January 18, 2013

So You Are Lana!

Jumpa gambar Lana dalam facebook Miza. Pinjam gambar ye Miza. Terus tak tidur malam. Teringat kat budak tecit ni. Maka ku upload semua gambar dan taraaaaaa.

you miss your gwenma much, lana?

not really gwenma. i just totally forgotten how you look like.

but hmm, shall i just say that mummy and papa always mention about this old lady somewhere far away!

but anyway, will find out soon since i heard that you will be the one who is going to pick me up at the airport with my boots (i heard).

Kau tengok. Sanggup tu pakai spek walaupun jenuh nak pastikan tak jatuh sebab batang  hidung macam tak Korea tu. Rindu budak tecit ni. Nanti kau Lana. Gwenma peluk dan cium tak lepas punyalah nanti. 

Gwenma cap ayam!
